
We are looking for volunteers! 

We are looking for people who are interested in sharing their time and talent with our students at Pierre Elliott Trudeau French Immersion. There are numerous opportunities available, with varying amounts of commitment required. Whether you can volunteer on a regular basis or sporadically, we can make good use of your time!

Every volunteer must have a Criminal Background Check for safety purposes. These forms can be requested from the office.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the school for more information.

Current Needs

French Reading Support: our LSTs are looking for parents who are interested, and able to read in French with some of our students.  An hour/week would be perfect.

Ongoing Needs

Snack Program Food Prep: many hands make light work! We are always looking for parents who are available for a few hours a week to wash, chop and package our snacks.

Yard Supervisor: looking for parents who are interested in supervising specific activities on the yard during recess.  This is a volunteer opportunity, not a paid position.

Classroom Help: many teachers welcome volunteers in their classroom.  Please indicate if you are willing to help in a classroom other than your own child's.

Field Trip Volunteers: trips require support from parents. Please indicate if you are willing to help with class trips, even those that may not involve your own child.

Hot Lunch: our students love hot lunch days! Assistance is always needed for this venture.

We value and recognize that volunteers enhance the learning experiences of our students and strengthen school and community partnerships. Volunteering is an opportunity to model and promote the value of developing positive relationships as caring and contributing citizens within our community.

Schools welcome parents, guardians and community members as volunteers who support the life of the school (such as field trips, breakfast programs, school council, safe arrival or careers day).

Please contact your school for specific volunteer opportunities within the school.

Criminal Background Check and Annual Offence Declaration

All volunteers will have a Criminal Background Check which includes vulnerable sector screening. For further information refer to the London Police Service website.

If there is a Criminal Background Check with vulnerable sector screening on file at the school, the volunteer is required to complete the Thames Valley School Board's Annual Offence Declaration for subsequent years.

Mandatory Volunteer Training

All volunteers must watch the Accessibility within Thames Valley training video before volunteering at one of our schools.
